LONGSHORE-Thomas Allen, age 50 years, Omaha. Preceded in death by mother, Ann; brother, Dennis; brother-in-law, Mike. Survived by wife, Linda M.; sons, Thomas...
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O’CONNOR-A.L. “Dick”, age 76yrs. VISITATION begins Wed 3pm, with WAKE SERVICE at 6:30pm, West Center Chapel. SERVICES Thurs 9:30am, from the...
Read life storyKELLER-Rebecca A., age 58 years. Survived by husband, Gerald (Gary); daughters, Natalie and Laura, all Omaha; sisters, Pamela (Robert) DeWaay, Des Moines, IA...
Read life storyVACANTI-Lucy M., age 98, Omaha. Member: Mt. Carmel Society, American Italian Heritage Society, and Sons of Italy Auxiliary. Preceded in death by husband, Alfred...
Read life storySMITHBERG-Robert “Bud”, age 77, Plattsmouth, NE. Preceded in death by wife, Lucille. Survived by son, Robert; son and daughter-in-law, Michael and...
Read life storyPATTERSON-Stanley J., age 89 years, Omaha, formerly of Mason City, IA. Preceded in death by wives, Grace and Vivian; daughter, Patricia Ann. Survived by son and...
Read life storyCOIT-Terrance A. “Terry”, age 59, Omaha. Preceded in death by parents. Survived by wife, Jill M. Coit; daughters and sons-in-law, Lanette and Tim...
Read life storyFRAZIER-Othella M., age 89. Preceded in death by husband, Murray; brother, Albert Graves. Survived by daughter, Julie (Andrew) Gelbman, Omaha; grandchildren...
Read life storyMAROUSEK-Leonard F., age 66. Survived by children, Len and Monica Marousek, John and Debbie Marousek, Shari and Jeff Harpenau, Gretna, NE, Carol and Tom Meister...
Read life storyMORAN-Esther V. (Feldhacker), age 92 years, Omaha. Preceded in death by husband, Louis Feldhacker; daughter, Beverly Mucha. Survived by their children, Barbara...
Read life storyREAGAN-Dora O., age 99, 11/7/2006, born March 7, 1907 and passed away on November 7th, 2006. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles M. Reagan, Jr., in...
Read life storyBACON-Bernice M., age 88, Bellevue. Preceded in death by husband, Kenneth. Survived by children, Paul, Robert, John, Donnie, Carol, Mary, Bryan; numerous...
Read life storyWELCH-Robert Dean, age 75. US Navy Veteran, born November 11, 1930, Clarinda, IA, passed away November 8, 2006, Belleuve, NE. Survived by wife, Eula Jean; sons...
Read life storySKEAHAN-Donald L., was born in Wayne, NE, June 10, 1934, and died November 3, 2006 in Omaha. Don was the eldest of three children born to Edward and Natalie...
Read life storyBLAZEK-Frank E., age 93, Omaha. Owner, New Tower Inn for 52 years; member, Omaha Hospitality Hall of Fame; 50-year member, Scottish Rite; 70-year member, Mizpah...
Read life storyJOHNSON-Seth V., age 74yrs. Survived by wife, LaDonna; sons, Layne, Scott, Glyn, and Patrick; 7 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren. MEMORIAL SERVICE Thurs 7pm...
Read life storyGODDARD-Lena Mae, age 62 years, Omaha. Preceded in death by mother, Marie Elizabeth Gudgel. Survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Arleen and Sean Wirth, of...
Read life storyMANCUSO-Nellie M. (Perry), 91 years. Preceded in death by parents, Josephine and Jack Ferrara; husbands, Anthony (Doc) Perry, and Joseph P. Mancuso; son, Joseph...
Read life storyHESKETT-Terry D., Sr., age 67 years, Bella Vista, AR. Survived by wife, Sandra S. Heskett of Bella Vista; son, Terry D. Heskett, Jr.; grandson, Joshua D...
Read life storyMILLER-Mary A., 64 years. Preceded in death by infant sons, John and Andy Miller. Survived by daughter, Sheryl DeLuca; son and spouse, Paul (Lynne) Miller; 4...
Read life storyJOHNSON-Linda P. (Cummings), age 62 years. Passed away 11/11/06 at Lakeside Hospital in Omaha; born 12/7/43 in Omaha to Arthur and Cathryn McLean Cummings. She...
Read life storyWHITE-Mary D., age 88yrs. Survived by sister, Katherine R. Evon-Cox, Omaha; grandson, Gregory White; great-granddaughter, Charisse White, both Las Vegas, NV...
Read life storyPAPE-Wyona F., 96 years, Omaha. Preceded in death by husband, Everette L. Pape. Survived by daughter, Renee S. Pape, Omaha; brother, Don Schrack, Grinnell, IA...
Read life storyPETERSON-Vera C., age 92 years. Preceded in death by granddaughter, Tenli Longshore. Survived by son, Norman L. Peterson, Omaha; daughter and son-in-law, Beverly...
Read life storyRENNER-Gayle, 63 years Omaha, passed away 10/27/2006. Preceded in death by husband, Ronald Renner; father, Floyd Odom. Survived by daughters, Kelli (Don)...
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