Richard J. “Dick” and Catherine T. “Kitty” Prinz

Richard J. “Dick” Prinz        

March 15, 1932 – February 18, 2020

Catherine T. “Kitty” Prinz

July 2, 1930 – February 24, 2020


Survived by sons, Thomas (Dr. Katherine) and John (Jeanne); daughters, Maureen Stavas (Dr. Joseph), Pauline Marvin (Donn) and Elizabeth “Betsy” Gier (Grant); eighteen grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; Richard’s brother, Robert (Roseanne); Catherine’s brothers, Thomas Hernon (Marsha) and John Hernon (Elizabeth); and Catherine’s sister, Mary Klein (Kenneth.)

VISITATION: Saturday, February 29th from 9:30am to 10:30am, at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church (6116 Dodge St.) followed by MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL at 10:30am.  INTERMENT: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery with Military Honors for Richard by the US Army and Benson VFW Post 2503.  Memorials are suggested to St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Poor Clare Nuns, Creighton Prep and Duchesne Academy.





  • Katina and Joe Rogers Posted February 27, 2020 6:34 am

    Words can not express the heartache and sadness I feel for the loss of your parents. The sorrow is truly immeasurable. Your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers from this day forward… Love to you all.

  • Chris and Joe Peterson Posted February 28, 2020 10:06 pm

    Oh thoughts and prayers from Chris and Joe Peterson Honolulu Hawaii

  • Jean davidsaver Posted February 29, 2020 9:01 am

    I went to Duchesne with Pauline, and i always enjoyed stopping at her house and listening to her mother’s fabulous Irish accent. It was a house filled with love and fun. What wonderful wonderful memories you all must have!!!!! Jean marie

  • Judy Rada Lenz Posted February 29, 2020 11:49 am

    Pauline and All, so very sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Your parents were very special and thankfully you have many memories to help survive the suffering. They will be with you always. There is some comfort in knowing they are together, do take solace in that, I know we did when our parents died back in 1993..praying for you, Judy

  • Judy Rada Lenz Posted February 29, 2020 11:56 am

    Pauline and All please know I am thinking and praying for all of you as you process the loss of your mother and dad. They were very special people and you will miss them always.Take solace in knowing they are together. I know that helped us when my own parents died suddenly back in 1993. Take care of each other, Judy

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