Ernesto Edmundo Buenrostro
November 3, 1958 – August 29, 2024
VISITATION: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 PM at the West Center Chapel, 7805 West Center Road, Omaha, followed by VIGIL SERVICE at 7:00 PM. MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL: Friday, September 6th at 10am at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, 4930 South 23rd Street, Omaha. INTERMENT: Calvary Cemetery.
To view live broadcasts of the Vigil Service and Mass, please visit and click the “Live Cast” button at the top of the homepage.
To know Ernesto was to love him and appreciate the presence of a genuine loving man.
Ernesto E. Buenrostro – Born November 3, 1958, passed August 29, 2024. He was preceded in death by daughter, April Fe; father, Delfino ;sister, Lupita, brothers, Rodolfo, Joaquin, and Noel. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife, Catherine; children: Maria (Chuy), Ernesto Jr., Patricia (JC), Judy (Jessie), Edmundo (Spouse) and April; grandchildren: Marisela, Isselle, Jessie, Juliana, Ricky, Janelle, Julian, Bianca, Gabriel, Sol, Luna, Ernesto, Edmundo Jr.; great-grandson, Liam Vicente; brother, Pedro; sisters, Ma. Guadalupe (Emilio), Eva (David), Angelica, (Jose) Alma, Sara (Jorge) and Cecilia; many cousins, nieces, nephews, godchildren, and friends.
To my husband from your wife with love:
If I could write a story it would be the greatest ever told. Of a kind and loving Husband who had a heart of gold.
I could write a million pages but there’s one thing I would say, just how much I love and miss you every single day.
You were a firm foundation through all the storms of life. A sturdy hand to hold on to in times of stress and strife.
A true friend I could turn to in times of good and bad. One of life’s greatest blessings the best Husband I could have.
From your kids:
Daddy, te queremos mucho. Tanta falta que nos vas hacer. Por favor sigue protegiendo y guiándonos en las buenas y las malas. We love you daddy! Un abrazo y beso hasta el cielo.
Queido Hermano Ernesto,
Fuiste llamo ala Presencia de Dios. El Nos da la vida y es el quien decide cuando debemos de partir este mundo. Nos has dejado un gran dolor con tu partida, pero también una gran enseñanza y recuerdos maravillosos pues fuiste un gran guerrero y siempre luchaste con todas tus fuerzas ante las adversidades, y optimismo y sensibilidad para afrentar tantas cosas que te tocaron vivir son son admirables
Te extrañamos por siempre y cuando nos toque a nosotros partir nos volvemos a ver mientras tanto viviremos con tu recuerdo en nuestras mentes y en nuestros corazones
Abrazos hasta el cielo.
Hermano siempre te llevaremos en nuestros corazones. Tu recuerdo vivirá por siempre en nuestras vidas.
Mi más sentido pésame para toda la familia un fuerte abrazo y bendiciones pronto resignación 🙏
So very sorry for the families loss. He will be missed 😢
To the family of Ernesto. .MY sincere condolences. A very kind and compassionate neighbor.. Enjoyed visiting with him over the years. Rest in peace my AMIGO. YOU WERE A TRUE FIGHTER TO THE END
Q.E.D Mi más sentido pésame a la familia.
Ernesto was one of a kind, and truly had a heart of gold. He was loving and kind, and could always bring a smile to my face. I have been very blessed by meeting him and his beautiful family. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending all my love.
My condolences to the family. Alicia, comadre I love you! The kids and I send you a great big hug and kiss.
My condolences to the Buenrostro Family.
Our thoughts are with you all.
To Judy and family: I am truly sorry for your loss. Judy with such a caring and loving soul, I feel for you and the love you showed your Daddy. I know he felt it. For his wife, you are in my prayers. I understand how lost you must feel. But with your children’s and grandchildren’s love around you, you can survive. I depended very much on mine, and I was, and still am blessed to have their love. I will include your family in my prayers. Much love, Carita Moreno
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