Support Groups
“Grief is not handled well alone. We were made as social beings, and when we lose a loved one, we desire and need the help and assistance of others.” (James White)
The following groups are facilitator-led, with topics that focus on education and practical help for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one. Open to the general public, all are welcome. There are no fees, no registration or reservations required. All groups meet at Heafey Hoffman Dworak Cutler Mortuaries, 7805 West Center Road, Omaha, 68124. Contact (402) 391-3900 for more information or email Nancy Nilsson, Aftercare Director,
SOJOURNERS I – This group addresses the issues unique to those who are beginning the grief process, which may occur within weeks of the loss or a year or two later. Sojourners I typically meets the second Sunday of each month (unless this is a holiday; see note below**), from 4-5 p.m. Feel free to bring adult family members or a friend along if their presence will be helpful to you.
SOJOURNERS II – Designed for those further along in the grieving process, Sojourners II builds on the basics of Sojourners I, and meets every second Sunday of the month** from 6-7 p.m.
**NOTE: In 2024, the second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day; these groups will meet the following Sunday, May 19th, instead.
TUESDAY SUPPORT GROUP – Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month from 9:30 to 10:30 A.M. (a smaller, quieter group for those who are newly grieving) and a second group from 10:45 to 11:45 A.M. (for those who are 2-3+ years from their loss). These focus on a variety of emotional, physical, spiritual and practical issues related to grief and loss. Examples of just a few topics discussed include navigating holidays and special occasions, handling loneliness, anger and fear, and recognizing the physical and emotional stressors of grief.
Discussion topics are not sequential. Attendees may feel free to drop in at any time, attending one or all HHDC groups, as may be helpful. One need not have been a client of Heafey Mortuary to attend any of our support groups or events.
Social Groups
If you’d like to get out and share a meal in the good company of others who have personal experience and understanding of what it’s like to lose a loved one, join us any Wednesday at:
Tanners, 1202 South 119th Street, Omaha, 402-614-7923 (open at 11:00 am daily)
Arrive 11:15 for gentle socializing and a meal. No reservation is required, attendees pay for their own lunches, and a member of the Heafey Aftercare team will be there to greet you.
Join us!
(NOTE: As a general rule, if weather conditions close the Omaha public schools, we do not meet. To confirm—or with other questions–call 402-391-3900.)
Some Things to Know About Grief (excerpts by Kelly Baltzell M.A. & Karin Baltzell Ph.D.)
“Grief Takes Time: Society generally gives us three days to grieve. However, grieving can take from a year to a few years. Each one of us grieves differently. Do not expect grief to a be a short-term affair.”
“Expect Different Emotions: Grief is a mixture of emotions. These will materialize at different times and in different combinations. Some of the emotions you may feel include sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, emptiness, numbness and despair.”
“Seek: Make an effort to seek out friends, professionals, or caring people to help you with the fresh pain or memories.”