Helen E. (Raynor) Bath

Helen E. (Raynor) Bath

August 1, 1930 – May 8, 2020


Preceded in death by husband, Richard.  Survived by five sons: Andrew, Joseph (Robin), James, Michael (Jennifer) and Brian (Sara); seven grandchildren: Jennifer, Brent (Jordan), Kelly, Clare, Patrick, Brady and Caleb; sister, Bobbie (Al Prososki); brother, Tony (Mary Ann Raynor); and brother-in-law, David (Rita Baden).

A Private Family Service will be held.  Memorials to the Poor Clare Sisters of Omaha – Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare.

To view a video of the Graveside Service, visit our website and click on the service link in the obituary of Helen.

Graveside Service Link: https://boxcast.tv/view/helen-bath-777658





  • Kym Hodge Posted May 10, 2020 9:39 am

    She raised a great family! Thoughts and prayers to you!

  • Bruce McKeag Posted May 11, 2020 7:23 pm

    My wife and I are proud to have known Helen and her husband—and all of their children and some of the grandkids. She leaves behind a great legacy, and we extend our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies to all of her family.

  • Jeanne Ballard Posted May 12, 2020 4:55 pm

    Prays and love go to all of you, she was a great lady and I was so glad to have known her and you dad.

  • Mike & Beth Jareske Posted May 13, 2020 11:06 am

    Dear Andy and family, Our sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved Mom. We offer our prayers for her and all your family,
    Mike & Beth Jareske

  • Todd Pestal Posted May 13, 2020 1:38 pm

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs Bath and her wonderful family. Helen and her husband raised some fantastic young men. What a beautiful legacy

  • Tadd and Tammy Meyer Posted May 13, 2020 4:35 pm

    Helen was a wonderful, kind lady. I spent many hours in her home growing up with Mike. She was always a patient and welcoming. She will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to all the family, especially Mike. Miss you all.

  • Robert Howell Posted May 13, 2020 7:21 pm

    Betty and I appreciated the very long friendship of Helen and Dick.
    God bless them.

  • Thomas Ciesielka Posted May 14, 2020 8:05 am

    On behalf of the Ciesielka family, please know that we are praying for the Bath family members and friends who loved Helen Bath.

  • Matt Heffron Posted May 14, 2020 12:57 pm

    Andy, and all of the brothers: a great family is formed around a great mother. Congratulations to all of you for having benefited from her love and guidance. Prayers from the Heffrons for all the Baths.

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