Janet R. (Siebert) Trautman

Janet R. (Siebert) Trautman

August 2, 1933 – June 2, 2023

Janet was born in Ste. Genevieve, MO to Francis and Genevieve (Schilly) Siebert. She was preceded in death by her parents; her loving husband of 69 years, Leo C. Trautman, Sr.; brothers & sisters: Marie (Siebert) & Chuck Ernst, Glen & Dorothy Siebert, Adelaide (Siebert) & Joe Lottes, Francis “Junie” Siebert, and Jeanine (Siebert) & Harold Huber; son-in-law, Dcn. Bob Jergovic; daughter-in-law, Debbie (Mohr); brothers- & sisters-in-law: Dennis & Brenda Trautman, and John Echols.

She is survived by her six children: Leo Jr. “Lee”; Lisa Jergovic; Michele “Shely” McLaughlin (Scot); Tina Martin (Rich); Michael (Cheri); and Todd (Angie); also, her brothers- and sisters-in-law: Betty Jo Siebert; Rita Huck (Bob); Dianne “Snook” Echols; Raymond F. Trautman (Eileen); plus 30 grandchildren, 37 (& counting) great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces & nephews.

Janet, who would rather dance than eat, shared stories from her earliest days of dancing at home. Her dad played the fiddle while she and her siblings danced and sang along. These early memories carried through into her senior year of high school where the dancing of long-time classmate, Leo Trautman, caught her attention. They began dating and were married on May 9, 1953.

They were blessed with 6 children, 5 of whom were born in Ste. Gen prior to moving to Papillion, NE in 1968. While Janet stayed home to raise their kids, they made many sacrifices to provide the opportunity of a Catholic education for all 6 of them. She was a generous volunteer to St. Columbkille Church and school over the years.

Her love of family, both immediate and extended, led to countless traditions of memorable but often chaotic family gatherings around holidays, celebrations, and times of mourning. These continued at their home in Papillion until the family tree had expanded well-beyond capacity. They then enjoyed making the rotations to the various homes as new traditions were being established.

Janet was a devoted wife to Leo, and she admirably supported him in numerous ways. Before retiring in 1998, Leo’s career had him on the road several days each week, but she could rely on his long-distance phone calls every evening he was away. , Leo also moonlit as an amateur farmer, and Janet was a faithful supporter in the related activities, especially when it was canning season. When Leo’s health began to suffer, in the last few years of his life, she lovingly cared for him in every way she could until his needs forced them to move into assisted living in 2019. She remained his primary caretaker until he passed on May 8, 2022, the day before their 69th wedding anniversary.

Janet made friends easily throughout her life by always taking an interest in the lives of others. She had a generous spirit that welcomed people into her home and made them feel like long-awaited guests. It didn’t take long for others to grow fond of Janet. When Janet’s children would run into friends from years or decades ago, they’d often inquire, “How is your mom doing? She was always so sweet!”

Upon Leo’s passing, there was hope that Janet would be able to enjoy some of the newly found “extra” time she would have in not caring for his daily needs. Alas, 69 years caring for your husband is not an easy shift, and she soon had to allow others to care for her needs. She showed tremendous grace and humility with what her declining health demanded of her the past several months.

Of all the themes that characterize Janet’s life, the most resounding is her deep devotion to our Lord through her Catholic faith. She was an avid prayer warrior, attended daily mass when able, taped (and retaped) the bindings on many a prayer book, wore out the beads on numerous rosaries, and glued her TV to EWTN, the global Catholic television network. She evangelized with word and deed, and she took tremendous joy in seeing all her kids (and their spouses) striving to live and pass on that same faith to others. She had a sincere love for our Blessed Mother who said “yes” to what God asked of her in her life. Janet tried to do the same throughout her life, and she readily shared her faith with all who knew her, whether in conversation, or a simple “God Bless” upon saying goodbye, or every prayer session that concluded with “All for Thee, most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

Janet’s legacy will be felt for generations through the gifts of faith and family that she gave us. If the Good Lord inspired a life and love like hers, we honor her by living our lives similarly, and we can’t wait to meet Him face-to-face when we see her again, dancing with her “Honey” Leo in heaven. We will miss her dearly.

In lieu of flowers, the family will direct memorials in her honor.

VISITATION: Thursday, June 8th from 5pm to 7pm at the West Center Chapel, followed by VIGIL SERVICE at 7pm.  MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL:  Friday, June 9th at 10:30am, St. Columbkille Catholic Church, 200 E. 6th St. in Papillion.  Entombment, Resurrection Mausoleum.  Memorials will be directed by the family.

For additional information or to view live broadcasts of the Vigil Service and Mass, please go to www.heafeyheafey.com. Click the “View Live Cast” button on the home page.



  • Francis H Siebert Jr Posted June 7, 2023 2:23 pm

    Rest peacefully Aunt Janet . God Bless

  • Jeri Revelle Posted June 7, 2023 3:23 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I always enjoyed seeing and visiting with her when she was here.

  • Gerry Kleba Posted June 8, 2023 8:30 am

    This biography is beautiful and hits the bullseye in capturing Janet’s life and spirit. I am proud to be one of the family and love all of you very much. May the angels lead Janet into Paradise and may the martyrs come to welcome her on the way, and with the poor man Lazarus who is poor no longer may she have everlasting and eternal life. Amen

  • Sarah Skierka Posted June 8, 2023 10:21 am

    My deepest condolences to the entire family. May you find comfort and peace during this difficult time.

  • Sandy Siebert Riney Posted June 8, 2023 1:37 pm

    My sympathy to family of JAunt Janet. She was a beautiful person with a heart of gold. I loved being around her and her family because she was always happy. Heaven gained an angel.

  • Betty Falknor Posted June 8, 2023 2:43 pm

    Thank you all so much for the honor of caring for and getting to enjoy your mother’s company. She was an amazing woman and you could see her great love for her children.

  • Dona (Donze) Carron Posted June 8, 2023 4:21 pm

    Dear Family, Janet was one of my dearest cousins. I spent many days with her family when we were young as I lived down the street from them.
    May God be with all of you in this sad time. My deepest sympathy

  • Dona (Donze) Carron Posted June 9, 2023 10:01 am

    Dear Family of Janet,
    Janet was one of my dearest cousins. We spent time together when we were young as I lived down
    the street from her family. She and Jeanine used to babysit us. I ate a lot of meals with them since Aunt
    Gen knew what I liked and called me to come over. I remember the fiddle playing, singing and piano and of,
    course, the dancing. Janet will be missed by many. My deepest sympathy to all the family.

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