Pamela Suzanne D’Amour

Pamela Suzanne D’Amour

December 21, 1956 – March 9, 2020


Pam was born and raised in the small rural town of Live Oak, Florida. She was the oldest daughter of four to Frances and Earl Bullock.  Pam’s love for nature originated from her family travels to the North Carolina mountains, Central Florida fresh water springs, and campgrounds across the southern US.

She took her passion for recreation and received her bachelor’s degree of Physical Education at the University of Florida in Gainesville.  She loved cheering on the Gators, even later on when living in the Cornhusker State.

Pam married Captain Don Hiebert in 1981.  He died in an aircraft accident two years into their marriage.  After some time traveling and spending time with family, she settled in Macon, Georgia.

Pam married James D’Amour in 1989 and they had two children, Laura (1991) and Lindsay (1993).  They traveled and moved for the military, ultimately settling in Omaha, Nebraska.

Pam taught Elementary students for Papillion LaVista schools for many years while raising her daughters.  Her hospitable nature loved hosting social gatherings, St. Columbkille Church events, and she enjoyed traveling with her family.  An avid learner, Pam continued her education and received her master’s degree to further develop her beloved students.

Pam could be found spending summer months gardening her hostas and daylilies.  She was always excited about a dip in the pool and “getting a little sun” on the back porch.  Pam offered a wise word in light-hearted conversation.  If you wanted a good laugh or a tough life lesson, you went to Pam.  She was bold and brave in her communication– with a charming southern accent.

Pam ended her 30 year teaching career at Sandoz Elementary of Millard Public Schools.  She loved teaching ELL (English Language Learners) and connecting with refugee students coming to the United States.  Her loving nature, open arms, big smile, and dedication to each individual made her Millard Teacher of the Year two years in a row.  An award well deserved.

As her Parkinson’s Disease progressed, Pam continued making memories with friends and family for three years.  She shared her heartbreak about leaving too soon, but still offered a hug or smile.  Her legacy lives on through her daughters and many students who learned from an amazing teacher.

Preceded in death by father, Robert E. Bullock; first husband, Don Hiebert; and brothers, Kendall Bullock and Mitchell Bullock.  Survived by daughters, Laura D’Amour and Lindsay VanZee (Alex); father of their children, James D’Amour; sister, Angela Sealey (James); and mother, Frances Bullock.

CELEBRATION OF LIFE to be held early April at Urban Abbey.  Memorials are suggested to the National Park Foundation:, Dreamweaver Foundation: or Endless Journey Hospice:

*Please wear something colorful to remember Pam’s vibrancy and brightness.





  • Mary Price Posted March 11, 2020 3:47 pm

    Good job writing this Lindsay. I learned so much about Pam’s life and I am so grateful I got to meet her and witness her wise words and southern charm. So much lives on in you. Love you,Mary

  • Anna Cheek Posted March 11, 2020 4:51 pm

    The Cheek family sends love and sympathy.

  • Harriett Helvenston Eppes Posted March 11, 2020 4:58 pm

    I grew up with Pam in Live Oak, where we cheered together and had a great time with all our friends. She was always the one with a kind word and welcoming spirit. I am so sad that she left those she loved too soon, but I know that Heaven is a little brighter with her there. I will continue to pray for her family.

    • David Drudge Posted May 10, 2021 2:05 pm

      hello, My name is David I am an independent reporter working on a story about Pamela’s husband died in a B-52 crash in 1983 north of St. George Utah.

      I know her husband was the pilot on that plane, sorry for the misspellings words but I’m dictating through a computer program because I broke my wrist two months ago and it’s impossible to write.

      If you can get me in touch with any of Pamela’s children I’d love to talk to the next of kin not so much for Pam but her husband the plane crash was terrible I hiked up to the site of the crash four days out of getting out of the cast on my wrists and I can see why it was such a devastating thing.

      My phone number is 725-232-3724 writing out of Las Vegas Nevada which is in the Pacific time zone can call me anytime after 10 AM my time and as late as 9:00 PM my time thank you for keep your consideration

  • Maggie Wooten Posted March 11, 2020 5:01 pm

    Dear Family, what a beautiful and thoughtful tribute to Pam. Pam was one of the first people I met when I moved to Warner Robins – our husbands worked together and we were neighbors. She was kind, gracious and so welcoming. We ended up working at the same school Watson Elementary where I got to see her in action and what a great teacher she was … a real natural. After several moves for both of us and many years apart we were able to reconnect at a wonderful wedding. Those memories will help to make this tough time a little easier for me. With much love and Christian sympathy. Maggie and Bill Wooten

  • Marty McDonald Posted March 11, 2020 5:05 pm

    Pam was a good friend of mine all through school in Live Oak Florida. I had been praying for her since I learned of her condition. I regret that we weren’t able to stay touch over the years. She was such a pleasant, fun and kind person. I cherish our friendship. My prayers for her family. God bless.

  • Cheryl Sellers Posted March 11, 2020 5:49 pm

    My thought and prayers are with the family.

  • Sue Platz Posted March 11, 2020 5:52 pm

    Beautifully written for a beautiful lady. Lindsay, I am so proud of how you’ve handled everything throughout your Moms Parkinson’s journey. .We are here for you always.

  • Teresa Hale Davis Posted March 11, 2020 6:04 pm

    Condolences to the family. I went to school with her brother, Mitch, and worked with her sister Angela. Good memories of both.

  • Vivian and family Posted March 11, 2020 9:24 pm

    Beautiful tribute to a lovely lady! I know she is at peace dancing in heaven, but I am so sad she has left too soon. Pam and family were a huge part in f our life in Papillion, and the neighborhood will never be the same with her absence. So grateful to have been her friend and witness her love of family, God and country. I am praying for healing for you girls!!! Much love from the Greni’s family!💕💕

  • Connie cannon Posted March 12, 2020 4:13 am

    A beautiful tribute. Pam was a student of mine in high school English.. I remember her as a sweet caring young lady with a smile on her face….always a joy to be around. It saddens me to hear of her leaving this world at such a young age. 😥💝🙏

  • Meagan Basye Posted March 12, 2020 7:41 am

    I am so saddened to hear this news. Several years ago, I was honored to work with Pam at Sandoz in Millard as I finished up my Practicum hours for grad school. She was truly someone I will never forget. She was ALWAYS so full of life and love for the students, that she made me truly excited to work in education! She will always be remembered and I thank her for her time in letting me learn from such a wonderful soul!
    You will be missed….

  • Cathy Larson Posted March 12, 2020 1:06 pm

    Lindsey, You are a strong and amazing women.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.❤️🙏❤️

  • Mitzi Cardona Posted March 12, 2020 1:28 pm

    Lindsay and Laura,
    Our hearts go out to you. I will always cherish the fun times I spent with Pam. I still remember the last evening that we saw each other. I literally laughed until I cried that night. She was such a bright spirit, and I will always remember her laugh, her smile, and how much she loved teaching. The Cardonas are all thinking of you during this time.

  • Sheila Bolmeier Posted March 13, 2020 8:53 am

    What a beautiful picture and tribute to your beautiful mother. I am so fortunate that I had the pleasure of working with her in Millard. My heart is sad and the world is not the same without her in it.

  • Gwen Goduto Posted March 14, 2020 6:55 am

    My thoughts are with you all at this time. Pam was such a kind person and we learned so much from her. She was full of life, love, and strength.

  • Sandy Engelkamp Posted March 14, 2020 10:16 am

    Lindsay, I am so sad to hear about your mom. She was such a fun loving person and we laughed so much at Bunco all the time. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Please let me know when the Celebration of Life service is going to be and if you need anything. Take Care, Sandy Engelkamp & Family

  • Kena Tarrell Posted March 14, 2020 2:47 pm

    Dear Lindsay, I hope all the beautiful memories you have with your beautiful mom help you during this time. We are all thinking of you. Send you a big hug. Kena Tarrell and Family.

  • Cathy Zimmerman Posted March 20, 2020 4:55 pm

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. What a wonderful tribute you wrote. Your mom always had such a beautiful smile and I loved her southern accent and charm!

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